Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well, the internet is unreliable and my group is about to leave me in a 5th floor internet cafe. Things are sort of weird--I'm not used to traveling like this. "Like this" meaning "with a huge group of people."

Last night we slept in a hostel next to Nairobi National Park and we could hear lions roaring as we fell asleep.

We're heading to Lake Nakaru park for a few days. Things are hectic--when will it normalize? Writing in my journal is going well--writing here may not.


  1. herd travel is weird and frustrating. find your inner zebra. just watched the inauguration and thought of you chillin in Obama's ancestral homeland. also: you know you can hear the lions rawr from highland park, right?

  2. Looked up Lake Nakaru. Totally jealous. The abundance of animals and rich looking flora - incredible. Take a lot of pictures.

  3. plz say hai to a baboon for me

    k thx

    dubba doooooo!

  4. Say hi to Mama Sarah (Obama) when you see her.
    Love, Baba
