Monday, June 1, 2009

Nairobi Nairobi!

Back here, again. Feels good.

Okay, so apparently I don't have 24 hours in London as I once thought. I have 6 hours. I think I thought somehow I could time travel, but that is not the case.

I will be arriving in PITTSBUARGH at 10:35 pm on the 2nd of June! Oh my goodness! I hope it is super warm there, as it is in Nairobi, as it was not in Capetown.

Also. Today I have planned to do all my shopping for everyone. Buying Kenyan things and whatever. Trolls with flags on them, whatever I can find (TIIDBIT! Kenya's flag is the only national flag that has a weapon on it! Interesting?). However, today is also Madaraka day, which is something like Independence day, I think, except that there is another holiday called Jamhuri day, which literally means independence. The few Kenyans I've talked to can't explain it, so I'm stumped. I think the slow unclenching on the colonial fist has something to do with it. I'm nervous the curio shops won't be open, but we'll see. If I can't get hand carved so-and-sos, I'll buy some cheap ass spices and delicious alcohol.

Speaking of the colonial fist, I'm reading an incredible book. It's called Britain's Gulag: the brutal end of empire in Kenya... or something. Caroline Elkins. Affirmed yet again that the British sucked/suck.

But I have trinkets to purchase! Curios! Cheerio! See you soon!

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