Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last night I opened a bottle of Coke with my teeth. Sorry ma, it's just too much fun.

Then mixed it with Guinness, and some liquor distilled from sugar cane. Then spent the night with friends watching one of the hilarious DVDs they have here that are compilations of music videos. Britney Spears, Westlife, Lionel Ritchie, Celine Dion, Bonny M, Backstreet Boys, Boyz II Men.

Just wanted to let you know there's fun too, along with the rest of it.


  1. Have you considered dentistry?

  2. Or maybe a career of making hilarious music video compilations on DVD.
    Talked to Bill Cohen last night...he majored in philosophy in his undergrad degree and then went to medical school...he had some really interesting things to say about that pathway.
